Highly Selective Acyclic Stereocontrol Based on 1, 2-Rearrangement

Keisuke SUZUKI
1988 Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan  
Highly Selective Acyclic Stereocontrol Based on 1,2-Rearrangement. Keisuke Suzum* Contrary to the firm and long-standing credence on the involvement of racemization , the "cationic" 1,2-rearrangement reactions may proceed stereospecifically under suitable reaction conditions to allow the complete 1, 2-chirality transfer. This fact provides a solid basis for the development of a novel and useful synthetic reactions to achieve the highly selective acyclic steoeocontrol. This paper deals with a
more » ... vey of the new synthetic methodology based on the novel 1 ,2-rearrangements under Lewis acidic conditions as well as the newly exploited silicon-directed relative streocontrol, which would find a broad applicability in the highly stereoselective synthesis of a wide variety of useful compounds including chiral pheromones , macrolides, and so on
doi:10.5059/yukigoseikyokaishi.46.367 fatcat:jmusyrjkqfgepoywg5pdfk6xwu