Nanoethics and policy education effectiveness [article]

Skylar Huzyk Zilliox, Jessica Smith Rolston, Corrine Packard, Carl Mitcham, Colorado School Of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library, Colorado School Of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library
Nanotechnology (NT), as a new and potentially revolutionary technology, provides the opportunity to examine the complex interaction between society and technology. The Nano-Science, Technology, Ethics, and Policy (NanoSTEP) project at Colorado School of Mines (CSM) seeks to: (1) increase engineering students' understanding of society, policy, and ethics; and (2) use nanotechnology as a framework to better understand the role of ethics and policy education in an engineering curriculum
doi:10.25676/11124/330 fatcat:nkeokmpxlvhgldrvw7enu2ru3i