برنامج تدريبي مقترح كمدخل للمشاريع الصغيرة لتنمية مهارات الأرامل بالمجتمع السعودي (دراسة استطلاعية)

2020 Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences  
Training is a development tool and means that, if properly invested, enables the achievement of efficiency in performance. It is a planned activity aimed at bringing about changes in the information, skills, and experiences of individuals. Women are the heart of development and the pillar that occupies a special position and interest in the Kingdom's Vision 2030, and the Kingdom relies on it great importance to raise the cultural, social and political level of society by empowering Saudi women
more » ... o play their development role in Vision 2030 to achieve successes at the regional and global levels. Small enterprises create job opportunities and move the industry towards a promising future for low-income people and encourage innovation and innovation, which are the basis for structural change through the emergence of a group of ambitious, efficient and dynamic entrepreneurs. Research goal to: 1-Designing a proposed training program to develop the technical skills of widows in the Saudi society. 2-Measuring the effectiveness of the proposed training program to develop the technical skills of widows in the Saudi society in Khobar. I recommend searching: 1-Exchanging the acquired experiences between specialists in the field and other disciplines of development and integrating them into the application to raise the technical and skill level. 2-Opening communication channels with other technical fields to develop artistic and creative performance as an entry point for small projects. 3-Openness to the world to learn about modern methods of training, in order to face rapid changes as an essential element of human development. 4-Emphasizing the role of universities to urge them to conduct research and studies on state institutions.
doi:10.33193/jalhss.60.2020.314 fatcat:jpgolgac75h4xfbkwvovad26va