Critical parameters affecting the design of high frequency transmission lines in standard CMOS technology

Talal Al-Attar, Abdullah Alshehri, Abdullah Almansouri, Abdullah Alturki
2017 2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium - Italy (ACES)   unpublished
Different structures of transmission lines were designed and fabricated in standard CMOS technology to estimate some critical parameters including the RMS value of the surface roughness and the loss tangent. The input impedances for frequencies up to 50 GHz were modeled and compared with measurements. The results demonstrated a strong correlation between the used model with the proposed coefficients and the measured results, attesting the robustness of the model and the reliability of the incorporated coefficients values.
doi:10.23919/ropaces.2017.7916053 fatcat:dsljcy5bwrcf3iz45qki53uchm