Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research [book]

Zoltan J. Acs, David B. Audretsch
Interest in entrepreneurship has surged in the last decade. Scholars across a broad spectrum of fields and disciplines have responded by generating new research approaches uncovering a wealth of new findings and insights about entrepreneurship. This new research spans not just a diverse set of fields, such as management, finance, psychology, economics, sociology, and geography but also a wide range of countries reflecting the fact that entrepreneurship is a global phenomenon. The exceptionally
more » ... ross-disciplinary nature of entrepreneurship has made it difficult for scholars in any one particular field to become aware of and understand the leading contributions and insights emerging in other disciplines. The purpose of this series is to compile a series of handbooks, each devoted to a particular issue in entrepreneurship. Each handbook will draw upon the leading international scholars from the entire range of disciplines contributing to entrepreneurship to articulate the state of knowledge about a particular topic. The contribution should identify the fundamental questions, which are being posed, the methodological approaches, types of data bases used for empirical analyses, the most important empirical regularities to emerge in the literature, major policy conclusions, and the most promising research direction. Thus, each handbook will reflect the interdisciplinary nature of entrepreneurship that has proven to be elusive to discipline-based scholars. A goal of the International Handbook Series on Entrepreneurship is not only to provide a state-of-the-art coverage of what has been learned about entrepreneurship, but that when viewed in its entirety, entrepreneurship is emerging as bona fide academic discipline. The particular topics in the Series will be drawn from discussions with the leading scholars. Each handbook will be directed and compiled by a Handbook Editor. (S)he will work closely with the Series Editors to ensure that the contents and contributions are appropriate, and that there is consistency with the other volumes in the Series. For further volumes:
doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1191-9 fatcat:nzm2jvqy5rfptc77jqrkqclyn4