Neuroética y educación moral: los retos educativos planteados desde la neurociencia

Jezabel Rodríguez Pérez, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España)
2020 Revista de Filosofía Laguna  
The present article intends to analyze the repercussions that neuroethics, as a growing discipline of neurosciences, has in the field of philosophy and moral education. These repercussions concern the evidence of a biological or neuronal support that determines both ethical behavior and moral reasoning. Faced with this situation, there are two main opposing positions: on the one hand, that which conceives that morality has to become a matter of sociobiologists; from another, the one that
more » ... ns that morality is irreducible to neuronal chemistry, so it continues to demand a philosophical commitment.
doi:10.25145/j.laguna.2020.46.05 fatcat:4iud2az2cnehtlev52ajmqmmai