Virtual reality and motor rehabilitation of the upper limb after stroke: A generation of progress?

LF Lucca
2009 Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine  
Aim: To review the rationale, criteria of application, potentialities and limits of the available procedures for upper limb rehabilitation in virtual reality setups. Methods: Classification of the available virtual reality setups and comparison among published studies, with focus on the criteria of motor impairment and recovery assessment, rehabilitation procedures, and efficacy. Results and conclusion: The studies completed to date support application of virtual reality methods in the
more » ... of the paretic upper limb after stroke, but the superiority of virtual reality methods in comparison with conventional procedures currently in use is still unproven. Larger samples, adequate controlled study design and follow-up, greater homogeneity in the selection criteria and parameters measuring severity of stroke, motor impairment and recovery are necessary.
doi:10.2340/16501977-0405 pmid:19841832 fatcat:o76yfodrgrejrdhudpxy44dwji