Coronary Vasodilators

1961 Postgraduate medical journal  
Pp. x + 333 + index, with 43 figures. London: Butterworth. 1961. 75s. A further distinguished group of research workers and clinicians contribute to the second series of this book. The Editor points out in the preface that the volume is both complimentary and supplementary to the first series, published in I958, but in no way replaces it. Although the thyroid and adrenal hormones were dealt with in the first series, there are welcome chapters in the new book on auto-immunity in thyroid disease
more » ... nd on primary and secondary aldosteronism. Certain chapters will be of especial interest to research workers, dealing with current theories and advances in subjects outside their direct field of activity. From the clinical point of view, there are excellent chapters on hypoglycamia, therapeutic pituitary ablation, surgical treatment of Cushing's syndrome, oral hypoglycaemic agents, anabolic steroids, oral contraceptive agents and human sex anomalies. Although the bibliographies are full, the titles of articles referred to in the text are included in those of certain chapters but not in those of others, an omission which could be rectified with advantage. The book, which is excellently produced, is recommended to everyone, whether engaged in research or in clinical medicine; it will be of especial value to postgraduates who wish to find, within one cover, information on the rapid advances which are taking place in the endocrine field.
doi:10.1136/pgmj.37.432.625-c fatcat:6ohmihr6hvfujeohgwiumglviq