A Study on Correlation Between Accelerated Corrosion Test and Long-term Exposure Test According to the Temperature Condition
온도조건에 따른 철근부식 촉진시험과 장기폭로시험의 상관성에 관한 연구

Sang-Soon Park, Byung-Tak So
2016 Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute  
In this study, to clarify the differences rebar corrosion beginning, through the actual corrosion accelerated test in corrosion time and laboratory test chamber of the structure of the marine environment results in both environments, it is an object of correlation coefficient derived. The accelerated corrosion test was carried out by two case, I.e., one is 20℃ of low temperaure codition(case 1), and the other is 65℃ of high temperaute codition(case 2). Whether corroions occurs, it was measures
more » ... sing half-cell potential method. The results indicated that case 2 is to acclerate the corrosion of rebar about 1.7~1.8 times as compared with case 1, thenthe corrosion of rebar embadded in concrete occurred according to the order of OPC60, FA, BS, OPC35. Correlation coefficient between acclerated corrosion test and long-term exposure test, case 1 is 2.45 to 2.94, and case 2 is 4.37~4.99.
doi:10.14190/jrcr.2016.4.2.203 fatcat:u6gxsfczsneknmu5ervflkv2ne