A cenografia no palco de Skakespeare [thesis]

Juliana Pedreira de Freitas
The theater cannot only be translated as a literary text, it is the joining of the dramatic work with everything that can placed on the stage. Leaving from this point of view, while understanding how the sceneries of Shakespeare were in its origin, better we would interpret the meant reality of his work, if we made easy so his understanding and if we produced one more tool of work so that we can recreate his texts. Believing in that, we base this study on the practical elements inserted in the
more » ... heatrical realization of the century XVI and XVII in England. We pass for one brief historical conception of the time, since the theater never stops being a mirror of what it happens in fact of the daily life; for the history of the English theater to understand its evolution, culminating in the golden age, in this case the Elizabethan theater; we were for the practical beginnings firstly when is unravelling the Elizabethan theatrical building in its conception of arena and in its technical resources and after when there is emphasizing the Globe Theatre, theater of the great playwright in question; and finally we try to elaborate an idea of what it would have been the set design in the stage of Shakespeare. AGRADECIMENTOS Aos meus mestres Por toda a paciência em ensinar aquilo que a gente parece nunca aprender Ao meu irmão Por estar sempre ali Aos meus amores Por serem sempre inspiradores Aos meus amigos Por serem eternos E aos meus inimigos Por me fazerem chegar até aqui 7
doi:10.11606/d.27.2009.tde-25102010-163317 fatcat:yphra3qsrje6jao7n753ka2jmm