Regulation der Adenylatzyklasen und der extrazellulär-signalregulierten Proteinkinasen durch den Delta-Opioidrezeptor in HEK293 Zellen [thesis]

Stephanie Janowski
Regulation of adenylate cyclases and extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases by delta-opioid receptors in HEK293 cells Stimulation of G protein coupled opioid receptors result in both inhibition of adenylate cyclases and stimulation of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases ERK1/2. As regulation of cellular effectors may be accomplished by various G proteins as well as by the different G protein subunits (G alpha, G betagamma), delta-opioid receptors were thus examined for
more » ... ing different G proteins underlying different regulation of these cellular effectors. In transfected HEK293 cells, activation of delta-opioid receptors by peptidergic opioids (DADLE, DPDPE) and alkaloids (etorphine, morphine) brought about concentration-dependent inhibition of adenylate cyclases and stimulation of the ERKs, respectively. Since the high-affinity opioids DADLE, DPDPE and etorphine accomplished regulation of respective effector molecules already at nanomolar ligand concentrations, a 1000-fold higher dose of low-affinity agonist morphine was required for both inhibition of adenylate cyclases and ERK activation. However, for all tested opioids, a higher EC50 could have been determined for inhibition of adenylate cyclases than for stimulation of the ERKs. Thus, adenylate cyclases expressed in HEK cells seems to be more sensitive to delta-opioid receptor activation than the ERKs. As previously shown, exposure of HEK-DOR cells to pertussis toxin (PTX) resulted in incomplete inhibition of adenylate cyclases by DADLE and DPDPE, whereas etorphine and morphine totally lost their ability to inhibit the cyclases under these conditions. In contrast, activation of ERKs by all tested opioids was abolished by PTX treatment. However, PTX also blocked ERK activation by Gq-coupled receptors and receptor tyrosine kinases, both regulating ERKs independent from PTX-sensitive Gi proteins. Thus, PTX is suggested to inhibit ERK activation also independent from affecting G protein activation. Since inhibition of G alpha q subunits by [...]
doi:10.5282/edoc.4153 fatcat:7te775kjivavppqj6gau5rrpcu