ReFreeDrive - Deliverable 9.4: Plan for the Dissemination of Results, First Release

Giuseppe Fabri
2019 Zenodo  
The present report provides an overview on the planned and already realized activities, tools and elements to be used in the dissemination of ReFreeDrive project results to the envisioned audience. The main goals of these activities are to: Create awareness about the potential of the proposed solutions. Make results available for other potential beneficiaries or users. Fostering competitiveness and growth and increasing benefits to the European Union (EU) economy and citizens. Create additional
more » ... value for partners of the project. Network with other H2020 projects. Increase competitiveness of concerned industry in EU and sell project results. Inform EU policy makers. This report contains the definition of the target audience, the methods recognized for the dissemination, a plan of the activity for the first project period and a report about the dissemination of the preliminary project results.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3444878 fatcat:gsbklyib4vdwpaqssx7ijryvuu