New educational technologies in the educational and professional motivation of undergraduate students in the field of ecology

Olga Shefer, Svetlana Kraineva, Tatyana Lebedeva, V. Kankhva
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
The article presents a study of the influence of the specifics of the formation of the motivational sphere of undergraduate students on their readiness and ability to perform their labor functions for obtaining a quality education. High-quality education is the basis for a decent life and sustainable personal and social development, which contributes to changing the labor market in all countries of the world, blurring the boundaries between the physical, digital, and psychological and
more » ... spheres. The study of this topic is extremely important for Russia, which seeks to overcome the negative consequences on the labor market and lag behind global trends in development through the implementation of the strategy 2016-2030. As a result of the work, a cluster of pedagogical technologies "UnInd of motivations" was created, which has wide opportunities and allows to implement the educational process in a new way in the modern conditions of the university, namely: to create conditions for improving the training of a university student, increasing the motivation of learning by solving case problems of a practice-oriented nature, to create conditions for further self-improvement in the professional sphere.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202125810004 fatcat:bxoqge7kbnhilbzamsxqnkxcji