EUV interferometry of a four-mirror ring-field EUV optical system

Kenneth A. Goldberg, Patrick P. Naulleau, Phillip J. Batson, Paul Denham, Erik H. Anderson, Jeffrey Bokor, Henry N. Chapman, Elizabeth A. Dobisz
2000 Emerging Lithographic Technologies IV  
At-wavelength, extreme ultraviolet interferometric measurements of a new, four-mirror, ring-field projection optical system have been made. Designed for operation at 13.4-nm wavelength with a 0.1 numerical aperture and a 26 mm field of view at the wafer, the nearly diffraction-limited wavefront quality of the system has been verified interferometrically. After assembly and alignment with visible-light interferometry, the optic was transported to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory where the
more » ... -wavelength testing with a phase-shifting point diffraction interferometer was performed. Measurement of the system wavefront at a number of points across the field of view reveals the optical performance of the system over its large, ring-field imaging area.
doi:10.1117/12.390045 fatcat:k2vsryhiyrai7lcauzlrow3kki