Alimentación saludable y autopercepción de salud

Gemma Blázquez Abellán, Jesús D. López-Torres Hidalgo, Joseba Rabanales Sotos, Jaime López-Torres López, Carmen Ll. Val Jiménez
2016 Atención Primaria  
The aim is to determine whether there is an association between perceived health status, healthy eating and other lifestyles in people over 50 years old. Cross-sectional study. 8 Basic Health Zones from the Health Area of Albacete. A total of 781 subjects, randomly selected by simple random sampling. variables: self-rated quality of life (EuroQol 5D), dietary habits (questionnaire on frequency of food consumption), physical activity (IPAQ questionnaire), toxic habits, health problems
more » ... nal Classification of Primary Care) and sociodemographic characteristics. The mean age was 61.4 years (SD: 6.6) and the proportion of women was 60.1%. On a scale of 0-100 the mean score in the perceived health status was 74.0 (SD: 15.2). This score had a weak correlation with the number of healthy eating criteria (r=0.078; P=.03). A linear trend (P=.001) was observed between exercise intensity and better self-rated health. The score was lower in smokers (70.9±15.6 vs 74.9±15.1 SD; P=.004). In the multiple regression, the number of healthy eating criteria remained an association with the score on perceived health status (P=.04), after adjusting the model for sociodemographic characteristics, number of health problems, and toxic habits. In people over 50years of age the level of self-rated health is associated with the fulfilment of the criteria of a healthy diet, which is independent of other health habits and main sociodemographic variables.
doi:10.1016/j.aprim.2015.12.001 pmid:26920449 pmcid:PMC6877839 fatcat:ly6pnhyjcjfhbpwketvieefda4