Observation of Qubit State with a dc-SQUID and Dissipation Effect in the SQUID

Hideaki Takayanagi, Hirotaka Tanaka, Shiro Saito, Hayato Nakano
2003 Condensation and Coherence in Condensed Matter  
Two states of a flux qubit with three Josephson junctions were shown in a single measurement with a dc-SQUID. The qubit is an aluminum superconductor loop surrounded by a dc-SQUID ) Re( lead Z was strongly dependent on the junction capacitance but not on the loop inductance. The capacitance dependence of ) Re( lead Z can be reproduced using the single junction model with 1 Z of the values from 50 to 300 Ω (not shown). In this model, we ignore the loop
doi:10.1142/9789812791269_0016 fatcat:lmkmshn6avbwpbfberlfaxyotq