" الکفاءة الاجتماعیة لفتیات التعلیم المجتمعى "

أحلام فرج علیان
2020 المجلة العلمیة للخدمة الاجتماعیة  
This research deals with the social Efficiency of girls of social education through the concept of social education and its goals, and the distinctive characteristics of it, its principles, and various models for it, in addition to its benefits for girls of social education. The research also deals with the concept of social Efficiency, its levels and importance, and the relationship of social Efficiency with some concepts (selfconfidence, Communication, leadership). Search terms: Social Efficiency, Community Education. .
doi:10.21608/aial.2020.48510.1004 fatcat:47bezizs2rbwnagxzqhrwebpiy