Online-Gym: Multiuser Virtual Gymnasium Using RINIONS and Multiple Kinect Devices

Fernando Cassola, Hugo Paredes, Benjamim Fonseca, Paulo Martins, Silvia Ala, Francisco Cardoso, Fausto de Carvalho, Leonel Morgado
2014 2014 6th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-GAMES)  
To enhance older citizen's practice of physical exercise, we present the architecture, development, and pilot testing of a multiuser online gymnasium based on Kinect motion capture and OpenSimulator, which aims to enable socialization and supervision of exercise practice without travel requirements. The prototype was tested simultaneously with 4 elders at different locations, providing data on the feasibility of the approach and informing subsequent development and research.
doi:10.1109/vs-games.2014.7012164 dblp:conf/vsgames/CassolaPFMACCM14 fatcat:sbavlv4qvvcgjld7lywoaeigjm