Schwannoma of the thyroid gland: A rare case report

Neeraj Bisht, Dr Sofia, N.S. Neki
2017 International Journal of Current Research in Biology and Medicine  
Schwannoma of the thyroid gland is extremely rare, with little documentation in the English literature. We report a case of 23year-old female with a thyroid nodule. Ultrasound of the neck revealed a round heterogeneous lesion near the upper pole of right lobe of thyroid and was suggestive of thyroglossal cyst. Fine needle aspiration judged inadequate. Excision of the nodule was undertaken. On histological examination, the nodule was found to be a schwannoma further confirmed by
more » ... al staining. This case is presented because of its rare occurrence in the thyroid.
doi:10.22192/ijcrbm.2017.02.05.005 fatcat:tofsgx7civhbfnohjj6agrtugq