Forbearance in Optimal Multilateral Trade Agreements

T. Renee Bowen
2011 Social Science Research Network  
I present a theory of optimal multilateral trade agreements with public political shocks. I show that "forbearance" -where one country withholds retaliation when its trading partner receives a shock -is a feature of an optimal agreement. This provides a rationale for countries not acting on retaliatory rights granted under GATT. I show that there is a limit to forbearance allowable in a self-enforcing agreement, which is increasing in the number of countries, the discount factor, and the size
more » ... the export sector. In this sense, larger trade agreements with greater trade flows provide more insurance against political shocks. JEL Classification: C73, D74, F10
doi:10.2139/ssrn.1958291 fatcat:mxmfbv5glfd3vktj4e6jykr5du