Influence of Equal Channel Angular Pressing on Tribological Properties of Low Carbon Steel (Fe-0,09C-0,64Si-,26Mn)

P. G. Mordovskoi, S. P. Yakovleva, S. N. Maharova
2015 Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology  
This paper presents the results of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) and subsequent heat treatment (HT) as a method to improve the wear resistance of metallic materials in friction sliding. The effect of ECAP and HT on the microstructure and mechanical properties of low carbon steel is investigated in this work. The mechanisms of wear resistance of steel with ultrafine and nanostructures produced by equal-channel angular pressing is analyzed. The results show that ECAP at room temperature
more » ... d annealing at 350˚C and 450˚C can be used as a technology of reducing wear in friction sliding.
doi:10.4236/jsemat.2015.51003 fatcat:sspmq4p7qzd7jhfrq76fheibsi