Extended Hamiltonian Formalism of Field Theories: Variational Aspects and Other Topics [report]

Arturo Echeverria-Enriquez, Manuel de Leon, Miguel C. Munoz-Lecanda
2012 unpublished
We consider Hamiltonian systems in first-order multisymplectic field theories. In particular, we introduce Hamiltonian systems in the extended multimomentum bundle. The resulting extended Hamiltonian formalism is the generalization to field theories of the extended (symplectic) formalism for non-autonomous mechanical systems. In order to derive the corresponding field equations, a variational principle is stated for these extended Hamiltonian systems and, after studying the geometric properties
more » ... of these systems, we establish the relation between this extended formalism and the standard one.
doi:10.7546/giq-7-2006-116-127 fatcat:rjq7d6gt6namldn7idvirq5e7a