System-level simulation modeling with MLDesigner

G. Schorcht, I. Troxel, K. Farhangian, P. Unger, D. Zinn, C.K. Mick, A. George, H. Salzwedel
11th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer Telecommunications Systems, 2003. MASCOTS 2003.  
System-level design presents special simulation modeling challenges. System-level models address the architectural and functional performance of complex systems. Systems are decomposed into a series of interacting sub-systems. Architectures define subsystems, the interconnections between subsystems and contention for shared resources. Functions define the input and output behavior of subsystems. Mission-level studies explore system performance in the context of mission-level scenarios. This
more » ... r demonstrates a variety of complex system simulation models ranging from a mission-level, satellite-based air traffic management system to a RISC processor built with MLDesigner, a system-level design tool. All of the case studies demonstrate system-level design techniques using Discrete Event simulation.
doi:10.1109/mascot.2003.1240659 dblp:conf/mascots/SchorchtTFUZMGS03 fatcat:l374clhmhjcazoyfgrjtjfvewy