Physical Sequestration ofBacillus anthracisin the Pulmonary Capillaries in Terminal Infection

Gregory Jouvion, Jean-Philippe Corre, Huot Khun, Marie Moya-Nilges, Pascal Roux, Claire Latroche, Jean-Nicolas Tournier, Michel Huerre, Fabrice Chrétien, Pierre L. Goossens
2016 Journal of Infectious Diseases  
The lung is the terminal target of Bacillus anthracis before death, whatever the route of infection (cutaneous, inhalational, or digestive). During a cutaneous infection in absence of toxins, we observed encapsulated bacteria colonizing the alveolar capillary network, bacteria and hemorrhages in alveolar and bronchiolar spaces, and hypoxic foci in the lung (endothelial cells) and brain (neurons and neuropil). Circulating encapsulated bacteria were as chains of approximately 13 µm in length.
more » ... eria of such size were immediately trapped within the lung capillary network, but bacteria of shorter length were not. Controlling lung-targeted pathology would be beneficial for anthrax treatment.
doi:10.1093/infdis/jiw098 pmid:26977051 fatcat:6tgym22ktzcsdj2n7xobxnacwi