الشغف و علاقته بالسلوک الاستکشافی لدى عینة من الطلبة الموهوبین بالمرحلتین المتوسطة و الثانویة بجدة

أ. رنا فهد الزهرانی, د. هدى عاصم محمد خلیفة
2022 دراسات عربية في التربية و علم النفس  
The current study aimed to identify the relationship between passion and exploratory behavior in a sample of talented middle and secondary students in Jeddah, and to identify the differences between averages of passion scores and exploratory behavior depending on the variable(sex and the study stage),and the sample of the study consisted of (300) talented and talented in two different educational stages(middle and high school), the study relied on the comparative correlation descriptive
more » ... , and to achieve the objectives of the research the researcher used the following research tools: Vallerand et al., 2003,Salama Younis Translation(2009)and Exploratory Behavior Scale (Sadiq,2020), and the metrics were applied to the study sample. The study ‫الٍفض‬ ‫وعمي‬ ‫الرتبية‬ ‫يف‬ ‫عربية‬ ‫دراشات‬ (ASEP) ‫العدد‬ ‫وأربعون‬ ‫وثالث‬ ‫المئة‬ ‫ج‬ 3 .. ‫يوليو‬ .. 2022 ‫م‬ 196 showed the following results: a positive statistically significant relationship between passion and exploratory behavior in the study sample, and no statistically significant differences between average passion scores in the study sample according to sex, as well as no statistically significant differences Among the averages of passion(harmony and compulsive)grades in the study sample according to the study stage, as well as the existence of significant differences Statistics between averages of exploratory behavior scores in the study sample according to gender in favor of females, and other results and many recommendations were discussed.
doi:10.21608/saep.2022.247361 fatcat:oz65mxowkzgo3k3z3h637b4nei