The Efficacy of Galaxy Shape Parameters in Photometric Redshift Estimation: A Neural Network Approach

J. Singal, M. Shmakova, B. Gerke, R. L. Griffith, J. Lotz
2011 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific  
We present a determination of the effects of including galaxy morphological parameters in photometric redshift estimation with an artificial neural network method. Neural networks, which recognize patterns in the information content of data in an unbiased way, can be a useful estimator of the additional information contained in extra parameters, such as those describing morphology, if the input data are treated on an equal footing. We use imaging and five band photometric magnitudes from the
more » ... -wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey. It is shown that certain principal components of the morphology information are correlated with galaxy type. However, we find that for the data used the inclusion of morphological information does not have a statistically significant benefit for photometric redshift estimation with the techniques employed here. The inclusion of these parameters may result in a trade-off between extra information and additional noise, with the additional noise becoming more dominant as more parameters are added.
doi:10.1086/660155 fatcat:mjktzaijvnh5leeffswq4kaus4