Effect of Various Compounds on the Activity of Laccases from Basidiomycetes and Their Oxidative and Demethoxylating Activities

Nam-Seok Cho, Dong-Hun Kim, Shoji Ohga, Andrzej Leonowicz
2006 Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University  
Selected species of Basidiomycetes (Abortiporus biennis, Cerrena unicolor and Trametes versicolor) were known to produce enhanced extracellular laccase (benzenediol:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC when they exposed to some heavy metal ions, xenobiotics and lignin related compounds. The constitutive and inducible forms of purified laccase showed oxidative and demethoxylating activities, which prove the bifunctionality of the enzyme. The oxidative/demethoxylating ratios in inducible laccases
more » ... aried depending on used inducers. The demethoxylating activities of laccases induced by lignin related compounds were much higher than those induced by various xenobiotic substances.
doi:10.5109/9231 fatcat:vo232z2gv5fsvllos5cqdcdrxi