Tracer Study of Alumni Profiles and STEI Contribution to the Competence of Graduates at the Workplace (Case Study STEI Alumni Class of 2012)

Muhammad Ramaditya, Syahrul Effendi
2020 Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Management Research (AICMaR 2019)   unpublished
The purpose of this research is to know the Tracer Study of the alumni profile and STEIs contribution to the competence of its graduates in the world of work (case study on the 2012 Batch of alumni). This study uses sampling from the data obtained by distributing questionnaires to 2012 alumni for the past 4 months. The method used in cluster analysis finds an optimal grouping of observations or objects in each cluster that is the same, but different from each other. The STEI Tracer Study
more » ... h report in 2012 class focuses on research on the target of STEI alumni respondents in the year of 2012. From some of the discussions and data obtained in this study, several conclusions can be drawn regarding the characteristics and profile of the respondent when undergoing lectures, the relationship between universities and work and current job conditions. Based on the characteristics of respondents, the amount of data entered is 303 alumni, with details of 94 men (31%) and 209 women (69%). Overall STEI 2012 alumni as a whole have an average IP score of 3.11. STEI alumni of the 2012 employment status currently are 251 people working, 5 people working and self-employed, 32 people are not working, and 12 people are entrepreneurs. Overall, STEI was able to increase its contribution and more evenly related to the provision of competencies for students (not only focus on knowledge in related fields, but also soft skill and hard skill factors).
doi:10.2991/aebmr.k.200331.005 fatcat:rv5bojxd7bb5bjjzhixlv3lp24