Review on Algorithmic and Non Algorithmic Software Cost Estimation Techniques

Pa Pa Win, War War Myint, Hlaing Phyu Phyu Mon, Seint Wint Thu
2019 Zenodo  
Effective software cost estimation is the most challenging and important activities in software development. Developers want a simple and accurate method of efforts estimation. Estimation of the cost before starting of work is a prediction and prediction always not accurate. Software effort estimation is a very critical task in the software engineering and to control quality and efficiency a suitable estimation technique is crucial. This paper gives a review of various available software effort
more » ... estimation methods, mainly focus on the algorithmic model and non - algorithmic model. These existing methods for software cost estimation are illustrated and their aspect will be discussed. No single technique is best for all situations, and thus a careful comparison of the results of several approaches is most likely to produce realistic estimation. This paper provides a detailed overview of existing software cost estimation models and techniques. This paper presents the strength and weakness of various cost estimation methods. This paper focuses on some of the relevant reasons that cause inaccurate estimation. Pa Pa Win | War War Myint | Hlaing Phyu Phyu Mon | Seint Wint Thu "Review on Algorithmic and Non-Algorithmic Software Cost Estimation Techniques" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019, URL:
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3589836 fatcat:q3rr6jt2vzgo3hnvdyec5zk7wq