Interference phenomena, chiral bosons, and Lorentz invariance

E. M. C. Abreu, A. de Souza Dutra
2001 Physical Review D, Particles and fields  
We have studied the theory of gauged chiral bosons and proposed a general theory, a master action, that encompasses different kinds of gauge field couplings in chiral bosonized theories with first-class chiral constraints. We have fused opposite chiral aspects of this master action using the soldering formalism and applied the final action to several well known models. The Lorentz rotation permitted us to fix conditions on the parameters of this general theory in order to preserve the
more » ... ic invariance. We also have established some conditions on the arbitrary parameter concerned in a chiral Schwinger model with a generalized constraint, investigating both covariance and Lorentz invariance. The results obtained supplements the one that shows the soldering formalism as a new method of mass generation.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.64.025023 fatcat:zqmekbzjmncunezj667bkynsoi