Imaging of Defect Density Distribution in Compound Semiconductors Using Femotosecond Laser Pump-Probe Measurements

Kohei HORIUCHI, Shinya KAMATA, Yasutaka FUJII, Fumihiko KANNARI
2005 The Review of Laser Engineering  
Transient reflectivity measurements following ultrafast laser excitation reveal that the decay time of photoexcited carriers in semiconductor materials decreases as defect density increases due to recombination through deep impurity levels. We demonstrated microscopic imaging of defect density distributions for compound semiconductors (semi-insulator GaAs, epitaxially lateral overgrown InGaP, and GaN) with high sensitivity by plotting reflectivity at a fixed time after the pump pulse, which corresponds to carrier lifetime.
doi:10.2184/lsj.33.868 fatcat:zpmbh2bfqrcwthrxhq2hklleuu