Variations in Element Levels Accumulated in Different Parts ofBoletus edulisCollected from Central Yunnan Province, China

Xue-Mei Wang, Ji Zhang, Tao Li, Jie-Qing Li, Yuan-Zhong Wang, Hong-Gao Liu
2015 Journal of Chemistry  
ICP-AES and microwave assisted digestion were applied to determine P, Mg, Ca, Zn, Na, Cu, Ba, Ni, V, Cd, Sr, Co, and Li in the caps and stipes ofBoletus eduliscollected from six spatially distant sites in Yunnan province, China. Fruiting bodies of King Bolete are abundant in P, Mg, Ca, Zn, Cu, and Na, followed by Ba, Cd, Ni, V, Li, Sr, and Co. Contents of P, Mg, Zn, and Cu are more abundant in caps than in stipes of King Bolete. However, elements such as Na, Ba, Cd, Ni, V, Li, Sr, and Co prefer
more » ... to accumulate in stipes of mushrooms from Yaoan, Chuxiong. The results of this study indicate that spatial variations of elements between caps and stipes are mainly related to different bedrock soil geochemistry and enrichment capability for various elements.
doi:10.1155/2015/372152 fatcat:vnham4hmyzavtes54n5g4p42oq