Karl A. Bosworth

G. Lowell Field
1970 PS: Political Science and Politics  
Eldest of six children, he began his undergraduate work at the age of 17 in Evanston; but after two years his study was interrupted by military obligation, serving in the Korean War. After fulfilling his military duty he resumed his studies at the University of Michigan and completed his B.A. degree in Political Science in 1959. Mr. Bisco continued his education at the University of Michigan and received his M.A. in political science in 1961. Ralph served as the Executive Director of the
more » ... of Social Science Data Archives at the University of Pittsburgh from 1968 until his death. In addition to the Directorship of the Council he held several faculty positions at the University of Pittsburgh including appointments in the departments of Political Science, Computer Science, and Library and Information Science.
doi:10.1017/s1049096500029425 fatcat:omgttwhb6vf57oxg4mhekgidrq