Ambient Assisted Living an Overview of Current Applications, End-Users and Acceptance

Robert Stodczyk
2020 Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research  
Worldwide an ageing of the population can be observed. This imposes several problems on the concerning societies. There, a higher share of elderlies needs to be taken care of by a diminishing number in younger population. To still be able to provide sufficient care the use of technology is regarded as a solution. In this paper, we are examining the special field of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) as an application of technology in health care. It mainly focusses on enabling independent living at
more » ... ome for people in need of care through technology. In detail, we aim at giving an overview of current applications, their end-users and their acceptance of AAL. We find that common applications of AAL are smart homes, sensors and robotics. The common end-user of these applications are elderlies. They have a positive opinion towards AAL in general but criticize their price and want to be included in the development process.
doi:10.26717/bjstr.2020.30.004949 fatcat:5hg7mjyycbgj5lxl4xaaqghaka