Reliability studies of Integrated Modular Engine system designs

1993 29th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit   unpublished
Abs_act A study was performed to evaluate the reliability of Integrated Modular Engine (IME) concepts. Comparisons were made between networked IME systems and non-networked discrete systems using expander cycle configurations. Both redundant and nonredundant systems were analyzed. Binomial approximation and Markov analysis techniques were employed to evaluate total system reliability. In addition, Failure Modes and Effects Analyses (FMEA), Preliminary Hazard Analyses (PHA), and Fault Tree
more » ... is (FTA) were performed to allow detailed evaluation of the IME concept. A discussion of these system reliability concepts is also presented. nents. The required number of valves for the IME is 66, with 4 valves for each thrust chamber, fuel turbopump and oxidizer turbopump, plus 2 turbine bypass valves. Details of this IME design are provided in reference 5.
doi:10.2514/6.1993-1886 fatcat:fvw3dw3e4jarrgplxcaace2xgq