Making connections: Case studies of interconnection barriers and their impact on distributed power projects [report]

B Alderfer, M Eldridge, T Starrs
2000 unpublished
is a leading national spokesperson on regulatory issues affecting distributed generation and renewable energy markets. He recently launched Community Energy, Inc., a wind energy marketing company entering the competitive electric markets. A former state utility commissioner, he served as Chair of the Energy Resources and Environment Committee of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, where he launched the association's distributed power regulatory initiatives. He is an
more » ... ctrical engineer and a lawyer, a graduate of Georgetown University Law School. THOMAS J. STARRS Thomas J. Starrs is a principal in the energy and environmental consulting firm of Kelso Starrs & Associates LLC, based on Vashon Island, Washington. His consulting practice focuses on the design, analysis and implementation of legal and regulatory incentives for the development of distributed power technologies, with a focus on solar and wind energy. Tom has spoken before state legislative committees, public utility commissions, and state energy offices in over a dozen states, and has made invited presentations to numerous national organizations about distributed power. He holds a Ph.D. from
doi:10.2172/755953 fatcat:xylztucjofd55i445itaj3voda