Pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome: How to protect the lungs during mechanical ventilation?
Síndrome de dificultad respiratoria aguda pediátrica: ¿cómo proteger los pulmones durante la ventilación mecánica?

Álvaro Coronado-Muñoz, Raffo Escalante-Kanashiro
2021 Boletín Médico del Hospital Infantil de México  
Pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS) is a frequent diagnosis in critical care. This inflammatory process has different stages characterized by mild-to-severe hypoxia, and the management will vary according to the severity. New definitions for pediatric patients were published in 2015; new epidemiological evidence revising those definitions has helped understand the mortality associated with PARDS and the impact on ventilation. The strategies to protect the lungs during
more » ... l ventilation have been successful in reducing mortality and complications. In clinical situations where high levels of critical support are limited, other therapies with a lower level of evidence can be attempted to gain time without worsening the ongoing pulmonary injury. We offer a complete narrative revision of this syndrome, with the critical management of these patients as a priority.
doi:10.24875/bmhim.20000148 pmid:34167144 fatcat:jktcui2mavcjpfxfsuiefn5pqi