Analysis and Optimization of C3 Photosynthetic Carbon Metabolism

Giovanni Stracquadanio, Renato Umeton, Alessio Papini, Pietro Liò, Giuseppe Nicosia
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering  
We have studied the C3 photosynthetic carbon metabolism centering our investigation on the following four design principles. (1) Optimization of the photosynthetic rate by modifying the partitioning of resources between the different enzymes of the C3 photosynthetic carbon metabolism using a constant amount of protein-nitrogen. (2) Identify sensitive and less sensitive enzymes of the studied model. (3) Maximize photosynthetic productivity rate through the choice of robust enzyme concentrations
more » ... sing a new precise definition of robustness. (4) Modeling photosynthetic carbon metabolism as a multiobjective problem of two competing biological selection pressures: light-saturated photosynthetic rate versus total protein-nitrogen requirement. Using the designed single-objective optimization algorithms, PAO and A-CMA-ES, we have obtained an increase in photosynthetic productivity of the 135% from 15.486 μmol m −2 s −1 to 36.382 μmol m −2 s −1 , and improving the previous best-found photosynthetic productivity value (27.261 μmol m −2 s −1 , 76% of enhancement). Optimized enzyme concentrations express a maximal local robustness (100%) and a high global robustness (97.2%), satisfactory properties for a possible "in vitro" manufacturing of the optimized pathway. Morris sensitivity analysis shows that 11 enzymes over 23 are high sensitive enzymes, i.e., the most influential enzymes of the carbon metabolism model. Finally, we have obtained the tradeoff between the maximization of the leaf CO2 uptake rate and the minimization of the total protein-nitrogen concentration. This trade-off search has been carried out for the three c i concentrations referring to the estimate of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere characteristic of 25 million years ago, nowadays and in 2100 a.C. Remarkably, the three Pareto frontiers identify the highest photosynthetic productivity rates together with the fewest protein-nitrogen usage.
doi:10.1109/bibe.2010.17 dblp:conf/bibe/StracquadanioUPLN10 fatcat:ehazpb6lnfalfkrz523qxlk2fu