Utilizing GVF Active Contours for Real-Time Object Tracking

Hamed Tirandaz, Sassan Azadi
2015 International Journal of Image Graphics and Signal Processing  
In this paper an object tracking system with utilizing optical flow technique, and Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) active contours is presented. Optical flow technique is less sensitive to background structure and does not need to build a model for the background of image so it would need less time to process the image. GVF active snakes have good precision for image segmentation. However, due to the high computational cost, they are not usually applicable. Since precision and time complexity are
more » ... most important factors in the image segmentation, several methods have been developed to overcome these problems. In this paper, we, first, recognize the moving object. Then, the object fame with some pixels surrounding to it, was created. Then, this new frame is sent to the GVF filed calculation procedure. Contour initialization is obtained based on the selected pixels. This approach increases the calculation speed, and therefore makes it possible to use the contour for the tracking. The system was built, and tested with a microcomputer. The results show a speed of 10 to 12 frames per second which is considerably suitable for object tracking approaches.
doi:10.5815/ijigsp.2015.06.08 fatcat:bi5wyn5sb5euvmrzv7fbbwzuda