Characterization of seven microsatellites in the Black Sea sturgeon (Huso huso)

Toană Andreea, Luca Cătălina, Sergiu Georgescu, Emil, Suciu Radu, Costache Marieta
2007 The 16 th International Symposium "Deltas and Wetlands   unpublished
Romanian sturgeon populations have declined because of anthropogenic influences. Recent developments in molecular biology allow the detection of intra-and interspecific genetic differences and could ensure an increased ability to characterize and quantify the extent of genetic variation in sturgeon populations. In our study we optimized a protocol for microsatellite PCR multiplex in Huso huso. We designed seven pairs of primers to amplify seven microsatellites in the same multiplex reaction. We
more » ... obtained fragments of different sizes which were analyzed by agarose electrophoresis. This technology has the potential to be of great use in monitoring levels of genetic variation within stocks.