Fully dynamic betweenness centrality maintenance on massive networks

Takanori Hayashi, Takuya Akiba, Yuichi Yoshida
2015 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  
Measuring the relative importance of each vertex in a network is one of the most fundamental building blocks in network analysis. Among several importance measures, betweenness centrality, in particular, plays key roles in many real applications. Considerable effort has been made for developing algorithms for static settings. However, real networks today are highly dynamic and are evolving rapidly, and scalable dynamic methods that can instantly reflect graph changes into centrality values are
more » ... equired. In this paper, we present the first fully dynamic method for managing betweenness centrality of all vertices in a large dynamic network. Its main data structure is the weighted hyperedge representation of shortest paths called hypergraph sketch. We carefully design dynamic update procedure with theoretical accuracy guarantee. To accelerate updates, we further propose two auxiliary data structures called two-ball index and special-purpose reachability index. Experimental results using real networks demonstrate its high scalability and efficiency. In particular, it can reflect a graph change in less than a millisecond on average for a large-scale web graph with 106M vertices and 3.7B edges, which is several orders of magnitude larger than the limits of previous dynamic methods.
doi:10.14778/2850578.2850580 fatcat:rbyv34tltfhavpvhktqp3qgjs4