Otras migraciones: los Latin Kings en España en el relato de F

Mauro Cerbino, Ana Rodríguez
2012 Revista Andaluza de Antropología  
The following research proposes a discussion about the difficulties related with youth migration to Spain, through the eyes and the experience of F, an Ecuadorian member of the organization known as the Latin Kings. It will analyze the inadequate conditions of destiny, that makes possible the meaning of being and the way of reproduction of this organization, trying to show how F, in a diverse and skilled set of adaptations, translations and reinventions of his existence in Ecuador and Spain
more » ... ges a way to maintain and socially reproduce in hostile situations. Through the life story of this young Ecuadorian, it is possible to reveal the conflicts and the incorporation of a bio-political sign of racism and discrimination in a subaltern organization.
doi:10.12795/raa.2012.i03.08 fatcat:25nasscndjewtbzqt5muqhcowe