Rebranding and Purchase Intention on King Thai Tea

Heny Hendrayati, Ratih Hurriyati, Cipto Putra Daud
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship   unpublished
The rapid development of the food and beverage industry MSMEs sector creates great opportunities for entrepreneurs. One of them Thai Tea is emerging discussed being targeted businesses to get involved that led to keen competition. The purpose of the research is to describe the rebranding conducted by King Thai Tea and purchase intention as well as the influence of rebranding conducted by King Thai Tea on purchase intention. This study used descriptive and verification methods. Samples taken
more » ... 170 respondents. The sampling technique used is probability sampling. Data analysis technique used is the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and simple linear regression analysis. Hypothesis test used t-test to view the partial effect. The results of this study indicate that the rebranding and purchase intention in the high category on the continuum line. The results of the correlation calculations, rebranding variables have a significant influence on purchase intention.
doi:10.2991/gcbme-16.2016.78 fatcat:i24woex6xjg3dkp7loph7jugzi