The improved technique for calculating the concrete elements strength under local compression

Volodymyr Pohribnyi, Oksana Dovzhenko, Iryna Kuznietsova, Dmytro Usenko, G. Vatulia, A. Plugin, O. Darenskyi
2018 MATEC Web of Conferences  
The central one-sided concrete element crushing is considered when the loading platform width is less than the element width (in threedimensional stress state conditions). A variational method in the concrete plasticity theory, which is developed in the Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, is proposed to calculate the strength. The formula for determining the ultimate load is based on the destruction kinematics, which is observed in the experiments, and takes into account the
more » ... oading platform size ratio and the element, both concrete strength characteristics, the frictional forces between the support surface and the element. The calculation dependence is rather precise during the cubes central crushing when the element height ratio and the loading platform greater than 4. With other geometric parameters the kinematic scheme changes, which must be taken into account when deriving the formulas for calculating the strength by the variational method. The proposed method allows considering all possible calculation schemes and determining its application limits.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201823002025 fatcat:zl6syzmknvh6zcenpyrzjevcse