Homogenization of species composition and species association networks are decoupled [article]

Daijiang Li, Timothee Poisot, Donald Waller, Benjamin Baiser
2018 bioRxiv   pre-print
Ecological communities are comprised of both species and the biotic relationships among them. Biotic homogenization in species composition (i.e. increased site-to-site similarity) is recognized a common consequence of global change, but less is known about how species relationships change over space and time. Does homogenization of species composition lead to homogenization of species relationships or are the dynamics of species relationships decoupled from changes in species composition? To
more » ... wer this question, we used long-term resurvey data to analyze changes in plant species association patterns between the 1950s and 2000s at 266 sites distributed among three community types in Wisconsin, USA. We used species associations (quantified via local co-occurrence patterns) as a proxy for species relationships. Species pairs that co-occur more/less than expected by chance have positive/negative associations. Shifts in species associations consistently exceeded the shifts observed in species composition. Less disturbed forests of northern Wisconsin have converged somewhat in species composition but not much in species associations. In contrast, forests in central Wisconsin succeeding from pine barrens to closed-canopy forests have strongly homogenized in both species composition and species associations. More fragmented forests in southern Wisconsin also tended to converge in species composition and in the species negative associations, but their positive associations diverged over the last half century. We conclude that long-term shifts in species relationships may be decoupled from those of species composition despite being affected by similar environmental variables.
doi:10.1101/265264 fatcat:kfchlynzkbh6na4obwixbenaci