Evolution of the HVDC Link Connecting Offshore Wind Farms to Onshore Power Systems

Roland Ryndzionek, Łukasz Sienkiewicz
2020 Energies  
This paper presents an overview of the DC link development and evolution dedicated to HVDC structure for connecting offshore wind power plants to onshore power systems. The growing demand for the green energy has forced investors in power industry to look for resources further out at sea. Hence, the development of power electronics and industrial engineering has enabled offshore wind farms to be situated further from the shore and in deeper waters. However, their development will require, among
more » ... other technologies, DC-DC conversion systems. The advantages of HVDC over HVAC technology in relation to transmission distance are given. The different HVDC configurations and topologies of HVDC converters are elucidated. In this context, the HVDC grids are a promising alternative for the expansion of the existing AC grid.
doi:10.3390/en13081914 fatcat:woliwl2hu5hsxfxj7jdosbs6li