Effect Of COVID-19 on The Mental Health of Young Adults in India

Yavana Rani Subramanian, Vipul Sharma
2022 Asia‐Pacific Journal of Management and Technology  
COVID-19 pandemic is devasting for human health. Apart from physical health COVID-19 has affected mental health also. This study examines how COVID-19 pandemic has affected the mental health especially in young adults in India. Methods: A one-time Online Questionnaire Survey was completed between the age of 18 to 30 years and form was randomly circulated across India (with the help of friends and family). Results: Overall, three-fourth of participants were worried about the COVID-19 pandemic
more » ... re female had more fear, sadness and nightmares than male. Also, mental health is stigma in our society. Conclusion: Findings highlight the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of young adults in India.
doi:10.46977/apjmt.2022v02i03.003 fatcat:nof6neynlfaq5bmqnnqeq4isq4