Price list [of] choice gladiolus, montbretias, peonias, iris, hardy perennials / [book]

C. Zeestraten
1925 unpublished
BIG BLACK. An extra large flower of a very pure deep red, self-color. Rich, distinct and showy Each 25c BLASCO IBANEZ. Very deep dahlia purple with a lighter stripe through the upper petals. An extra fine, large variety. Each $5.00 BLUE JAY. Very nice light lavender with white blotch Each 25c BRIMSTONE. Light sulphur, large flower; a very fine variety. Each 10c BYRON L. SMITH. Lavender pink on white ground; exceedingly fine as a cut flower. A wonderful color. Each 25c CAROLINE ESBERG. Flame
more » ... let red. The most red imaginable. The color of this variety does not fade under any condition. Each $2.00 CATHERINA. Light lavender, darker blotch in center, very tall spike, early Each 25c CHAUTAUQUA RED. This variety is the most bright and brilliant red of all the gladoli. It is one of the best in every way for the cut flower trade ...Each 50c CHAUTAUQUA WHITE. A large white shaded pink; the very light pink shades make it more attractive than if it were pure white; wide open flowers Each $1.00 CORUNNA. A large flower with wide spreading petals. Has a remarkable large, almost coal-black throat, bordered white. An extraordinary flower, very large. Each 25c COWEE'S SCARLET WONDER. Plant four to five feet high, with broad, stalky, dark green foliage and compact truss of great rich, velvety, scarlet, firey crimson flowers. Each $3.00 CRIMSON GLOW. Brilliant crimson shaded darker very large open flowers, strong dark green foliage.
doi:10.5962/bhl.title.133606 fatcat:3lhkbutninglxgss7e7wzgghjq