Clarithromycin induced mania

Luís Fonseca, Patrício Ferreira, Sónia Simões
2008 Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  
Clarithromycin is an antibiotic used for the treatment of a variety of infectious diseases. We wish to report a case where strong evidences point to clarithromycin as a causative factor of mania. Mrs A, a 41 -year-old woman with a history of depression since she was 29 years old, started to take clarithromycin (500mg bid 12-12h) for the treatment of a urinary tract infection. She was also taking paroxetine 20mg od and diazepam 10mg od for the treatment of her depression. After the first dose of
more » ... clarithromycin (day one), she developed insomnia. Gradually her behaviour changed. On day three she had a pressured speech, insomnia and marked psychomotor restlessness.
doi:10.1017/s0790966700011010 fatcat:kaurz5kv45ewdlzyf4bnlodxtq