A win-win case of CSR 3.0 for wellbeing economics: digital currencies as a tool to improve the personnel income, the environmental respect & the general wellness

Antonio Sánchez Bayón, Miguel Ángel García Ramos
2021 Revista de Estudios Cooperativos  
This is a critical paper (based in knowledge review with a constructivist proposal), under the Institutional Economics (including Austrian Economics), which analyzes the digital transition (from the welfare state economy to the authentic welfare or wellbeing economics) and the happiness management possibilities (as a part of the requirement for the global convergence process of Horizon 2030). Attention is focused on the digital currencies, as an example of technovation for personnel income and
more » ... otivation management, environmental protection and a good practice of CSR 3.0 (in organizations oriented towards people wellness & happiness with sustainability). The paper explains how it works this win-win practice, with a real case of a Spanish cooperative company, with benefits for the whole stakeholders, the environment, other companies and the next generations.
doi:10.5209/reve.75564 fatcat:lu6sjqhczrhjphcu5mpfezxkr4